
Venture Capital
Private Equity & Growth Equity
Private Credit & Structured Credit
Special Situations
Secondaries & Liquidity Solutions

Venture Capital
Private Equity & Growth Equity
Private Credit & Structured Credit
Special Situations
Secondaries & Liquidity Solutions
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Entrepreneur, & Investor in Tech & Real Assets since 1999.
Founding teams of InternetCash, RefinanceOne, TheNumber. 1/0 Capital. NYU.
GAMCO. Morgan Stanley. MBA @UNC. JD @University of Miami.
Leads 10X Deal Team. VP, TMT Investment Banking @Goldman Sachs. FIU.
Former CIO roles @CalPERS, @the Alaska Permanent Fund & @the Gulf Investment Corporation. Fmr. Deputy CIO, Deutche Bank Asset Mgmt.
Founding Product Manager @CoreLogic, Opera Solutions & TheNumber. Credit Risk Policy @FannieMae. SecondMArket. DBRS. Johns Hopkins, MBA Oxford
Serial Entrepreneur & Investor. Fmr. Head of Venture Capital @10X. Harvard Psych; Dartmouth MBA
Winston & Strawn. Kramer Levin. Columbia Law. Barnard.
Private Equity @KCK. Scale Venture Partners. Volition Capital. Stifel / Thomas Weisel. B.S. @USC. MBA @UChicago
VC Fund & Capital Markets Deal Team. Investment Banking @Wells Fargo. University of Utah.
VC Fund & Capital Markets Deal Team. Investment Banking @Wells Fargo. Cornell.
Fundraising Team. Glenview Capital. Partner, SEB Enskilda. Former Pro Hockey Player.
10X Capital helps institutional investors access best of breed strategies across multiple asset classes, including venture capital, private credit, private equity/growth equity, and real estate, through our sponsorship and management of private funds and other investment vehicles, with a focus on spinouts from top GPs.
One World Trade Center, 85th Floor
New York, NY 10007 USA
Tel: +1(212) 220-7218
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10X Capital ® is a Registered Trademark of 10X LLC
Past Performance of the Partners or the Firm not a guarantee of future results.
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